Frequently Asked Questions

Does career counselling work?

What are the benefits of career counselling?

When is the best time to come for career counselling?

How many sessions would I need to come for?

Who will be my counselor?

How will my privacy be respected?

What are the costs?

What is the career counsellors role?

What does the person receive afterwards?

Myth vs Truth

Career counselling has nothing to do with personal matters.

Career counsellors are psychiatrists.

Career counsellors are fortune-tellers with a crystal ball hidden underneath their desks.

A career counsellor’s job is to tell the individual what career he or she should choose.

A hobby cannot become a career.

If an individual’s father, mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, good friend or neighbour is successful in their career, then this means that the individual will also be successful.

The ultimate goal of a career counsellor is to assist individuals in creating wealthy.

Career counselling guarantees you a place in a high-ranking universities and the role of the counsellor is to ensure that the individual is placed wherever they desire.

Career counselling favours the high achieving individuals as they stand a much better chance of getting accepted in high-ranking universities.